Monday, July 25, 2011

The No Plan Trip 2011

It's getting to be that time again, Dave and I are in the no planning stages of our fall motorcycle trip.  The plan is the same as last year, there isn't one! We hope to leave Hamburg, NY within a week or so of September 11th.  We will head out west maybe via
I-90 or maybe via Canada. We would like to see Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, Deadwood, maybe some Buffalo, maybe look for some gold, who knows? If the weather isn't cooperative, we will just head the bike south. Maybe stop in Colorado, maybe stop in Yellowstone.   If mother nature is still not got her mojo on for us, we will head further south and west, back to New Mexico and maybe Arizona. See, the key work here is Maybe!!  No time frame, more trashy tourist stops, hopefully wonderful weather and a safe ride.  We both hope (ok, I hope cause I do all the picture taking and blogging) that you will join us and blog along on our No Plan Trip 2011! Linda