Friday, September 30, 2011

day 15 Grand Canyon

Greetings! Today we boarded the train and rode 65 miles north to the south rim of the Grand Canyon.  And what a Grand Canyon it is!  Such wonders I don't think I have ever seen before.  The train ride was very relaxing and we were entertained by Rose, the accordian/singer.

I do believe everthing in the south west is straight!

Please enjoy the following pictures of the Grand Canyon.  I encourage you to double click the pictures to enlarge them. The sun was in and out of clouds most of the day, it threatened rain which it eventually made good on.  I'm told that when the sun shines, the colors are amazing.

that's the Colorado River

Dave told me just step back a little more, just a little bit more, one more step backward, I'll have an awesome picture.

The ride back to Williams, rain clouds

A black and white on the way back.

A piece of rainbow

Of course!  We were robbed by train robbers! Well, that's it for now, not sure which way we will head tomorrow.  It drizzled the rest of the evening and is a bit chilly.  Come sun up, we'll decide. Love to all, Linda

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 12, 13 & 14 Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas

Hello family and friends!  Well after a few days of R & R from the No Plan Trip, we are back on the road.  On Tuesday, Sept 27th, we left Bryce Canyon Nation Park and Dave took me to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.  Please check them out if you're not familiar with them.  They are just what the name says, a no kill animal sanctuary. They have a few horses, pot belly pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, guinea pigs and a wildlife rehab. I have been a supporter for a good number of years and for a $25 donation, you will receive their magazine 4 times a year. I love reading it and any fellow animal lover will too. 

Entrance to Zion 
A tunnel through the mountain at Zion



Zion again.  Dave and I didn't spend too much time at Zion, we would have had to board a shuttle. The parking in alot of these parks is scanty to say the least and they encourage people to park and ride shuttles. Anyway, we drove through a part of the park and seen all we cared to see and left. From here, we headed to Las Vegas. We stayed at Treasure Island Tuesday and Wednesday night.  I went to the spa Wednesday for a much needed facial.  Two weeks on the bike with the wind in your face at 75 mph is unforgiving to your skin! We pooled it during the day and played a bit of poker at night. It was a nice break, the first time in the trip where we actually were at the same place for two nights. When we left on Thursday, it was 104 degrees. I can't say I like it that hot, even if it is a dry heat!

These next two pictures are of some mountains with really strange rocks.  It looks like someone blew them up and all the rocks, boulders and stones just fell back to earth and stayed where they landed.

More of the strange rock mountains.  The terrain changes so often it's unbelievable.  Sometimes, you can have two different looks on either side of the road.

Flat tops in Arizona. We also went through a Joshua Tree Forest.

We got off route 93 in Kingman AZ and rode Route 66 for about 90 miles.  It was nice to ride such a nice stretch. Burma Shave still had some road signs along the way. They were red, about 3ft long, only 1 1/2ft high. The first one said:  "30 days has September", the second one said " and so does April June and the speed offender".  They were really cute. Well guys and dolls, we are in Williams, AZ for the night.  In the morning, we are watching a western re-enactment, then boarding a train for a two hour ride to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. if you want to check it out.  Friday, is Jody's 29th birthday, happy birthday to my baby boy!! Hugs and kisses to all and and extra one to my kids and babies!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 11 Bryce Canyon National Park 9-26-11

Today brought us to southern Utah. We drove through Provo, home to Brigham Young University. It is certainly an upscale nice looking town. Continueing south, staying off the interstates has proven once again to be the only way to go. They are nice drives through beautiful places.  We ended the day in Bryce Canyon. It is a small park but worth the drive.

One of the first things we seen was this shy and elusive long tailed weasel.  What a find!

Next on our walk, native to Bryce was this. Watch where you step, stay out of brush and listen for the rattle.

Before you enter the park, you are encourage to park in the one road town of Bryce Canyon Town and take a bus.  The park from top to bottom is 17 miles. Really only the first 4 miles look like this picture, the rest is just a drive with a few outlooks, looking back at this. The parking lots at the lookouts within the 4 miles is minimal. In 1875, Ebenezer Bryce came to this valley to live and to harvest timber. He had a small herd of sheep and said it was a terrible place to lose one.

This is the view down from Sunset Point. Take notice of the worn path, I'll tell you about it in a bit.

Remember that path?  Well, I want you to know that Dave and I walked all the way down it into the canyon. It was 8000 ft down. Once at the bottom, it was a loop around and then you guessed it, what goes down must come up.  When I got to the top, I felt like Rocky Balboa at the top of the stairs in Phillie. It was a good way for me to face my fear of heights....NOT

Views looking up out of the canyon as we traveled down.

Another looking up

That's Dave on the left

Those pillars are called HooDoos. They are made by water constantly freezing, falling and thawing.  On average, water freezes and thaws and freezes and thaws 200 days a year and creates these.  As it runs or drips into fissures and cracks, and then freezes, it breaks the rock away.

The time was about 5:30, the sun was still very high in the sky but the rangers consider it sunset and the best time of the day to see the colors in the canyon change about every 5 minutes.

Once I got that top rock on, I had a very difficult time balancing it.

Life on the canyon floor

How about that hoodoo?

Notice the hole in the rock

Baby mule dear, mom was right by

pronghorn antelope

Natural arch bridge.

This is a view of the trail we took down to the canyon from about 2 miles past it, so it would be we were on the left when we walked down.  Well, tomorrow promises to be just as warm and sunny. We will be off to Zion and then onto Las Vegas. God Bless everyone, miss you all, Lin