Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day9 Yellowstone

Goodmorning!  We started out Saturday morning by heading back into Yellowstone via the west entrance. It was very cold, around 30.  Along the banks of the Yellowstone river, this is what was there. This male elk was attending to his harem of females.  It is rutting season for Elk and while the gals leisurely stroll through the grasses and munch, he stands guard against male intruders!

Nice rack, huh? Those babies have only been growing since the spring.

OK, it's probably enough of the Buffalo pictures, right?  I couldn't resist, slap the bull sounded like a fun game.

Everything's fun and games until someone loses an eye

This big guy was rolling in the dirt and grunting

Some geysers throughout the park

The water inside these geysers is around boiling, 199 degrees.

This one is a bit hard to see, but it's a pool and the colors were fantastic.

The water actually boils

These next four pictures are Old Faithful.  She went off twice while we were there, shoosting water and steam into the air.  Old Faithful is actually not the biggest, but it's so famous because it's the most predictable, right down to within 10 minutes either way, ever 1 1/2hrs to 2 hrs.

The Castle Geyser, it doens't blow much anymore

Patrick said not to miss the Lodge at Old Faithful, it was worth walking through, Disney patterned the Wilderness Lodge after this place almost to a tee.

Old Faithful just about done

I really felt like I was on Mars sometimes.  These pools were just beautiful

This pool is the deepest, at 53 ft.  The colors were absolutely amazing

Late afternoon brought us to this guy guarding his harem.  Different group from this morning.

This picture could have won a prize but it's blury.

We came upon this coyote about the same time late afternoon.  He was out looking for a bite to eat.

Well, all in all, Yellowstone is a must see at least once in your lifetime. I really dig the wildlife no matter where we go.  I think it's beyond awesome that these wild things are walking around. The park is home to about 100 wolves, they were introduced in 1995. They are a favorite of visitors but loathed by the local ranchers and shot when they venture outside the park bounds. I was told that the moose is the most least likely to be seen but that some would argue that it's the mountain lion.  It is a bright, sunny and cold morning here, we are loading up and heading south into Utah. So for now, it's happy trails to us and GO BILLS!!!

1 comment:

  1. You Out Did Yourself Once Again!!! Such amazing shots, it brought back memories from our visit when I was a child of about 7. I still recall those blue pools,my most favorite color in the world & so difficult to duplicate! I love the wildlife photos too ! The Lodge looks so wonderful still! It's a beautiful day here in OP - Great Day for the Game!! Love & Miss You 2
