Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 12, 13 & 14 Bryce Canyon - Las Vegas

Hello family and friends!  Well after a few days of R & R from the No Plan Trip, we are back on the road.  On Tuesday, Sept 27th, we left Bryce Canyon Nation Park and Dave took me to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.  Please check them out if you're not familiar with them.  They are just what the name says, a no kill animal sanctuary. They have a few horses, pot belly pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, guinea pigs and a wildlife rehab. I have been a supporter for a good number of years and for a $25 donation, you will receive their magazine 4 times a year. I love reading it and any fellow animal lover will too. 

Entrance to Zion 
A tunnel through the mountain at Zion



Zion again.  Dave and I didn't spend too much time at Zion, we would have had to board a shuttle. The parking in alot of these parks is scanty to say the least and they encourage people to park and ride shuttles. Anyway, we drove through a part of the park and seen all we cared to see and left. From here, we headed to Las Vegas. We stayed at Treasure Island Tuesday and Wednesday night.  I went to the spa Wednesday for a much needed facial.  Two weeks on the bike with the wind in your face at 75 mph is unforgiving to your skin! We pooled it during the day and played a bit of poker at night. It was a nice break, the first time in the trip where we actually were at the same place for two nights. When we left on Thursday, it was 104 degrees. I can't say I like it that hot, even if it is a dry heat!

These next two pictures are of some mountains with really strange rocks.  It looks like someone blew them up and all the rocks, boulders and stones just fell back to earth and stayed where they landed.

More of the strange rock mountains.  The terrain changes so often it's unbelievable.  Sometimes, you can have two different looks on either side of the road.

Flat tops in Arizona. We also went through a Joshua Tree Forest.

We got off route 93 in Kingman AZ and rode Route 66 for about 90 miles.  It was nice to ride such a nice stretch. Burma Shave still had some road signs along the way. They were red, about 3ft long, only 1 1/2ft high. The first one said:  "30 days has September", the second one said " and so does April June and the speed offender".  They were really cute. Well guys and dolls, we are in Williams, AZ for the night.  In the morning, we are watching a western re-enactment, then boarding a train for a two hour ride to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. if you want to check it out.  Friday, is Jody's 29th birthday, happy birthday to my baby boy!! Hugs and kisses to all and and extra one to my kids and babies!

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