Monday, September 19, 2011

The No Plan Trip, Day 4

Friends and family:  Notice: Badlands National Park is very very B-A-D.  I have said it before and I will say it again, one of the best deals this country of ours ever made with the people is the parks system.  For the money, it is the best family entertainment you can find.  Better than any amusement park. Down in the SW corner of SD sits the Badlands. Indians and settlers named it, saying it was bad lands to travel through.

One of our first turns brought us to this guy. A big horn sheep. He was grazing in the bottom  and when we stopped, he decided to head back up. He blended right in.

Beautiful view!

Almost to the top!
The Badlands at one time were covered by a sea. What we see today was the sea floor.

I keep waiting for someone to jump out and say "cue the prairie dogs!" Word has it that there are more prairie dogs in SD than people.  That might be true, the entire state's population is 750,000 people. These little rodents are too cute.  They will come very close to the road to retrieve a piece of food that someone throws (not supposed to) and then hurry back to their hole. One is always standing watch. If they feel threatened, they start a high pitched kind of whistle that alerts all the other dogs.

Are you kidding me?  Here was a little family of big horn sheep just hanging out at the road. I think they were all females with their babies cause I didn't see any boy parts on them. The temperature today was 84, maybe they were just enjoying the sun as we were also. 

The colors here were very cool.  They were made like that as the layers of "stuff" settled.

Just a picture of the grass. The entire state seems to be covered with this.

Areas like this are said to be the home of many birds and some of the critters that live in the badlands will come to find small rodents.  Tomorrow is supposed to be cold, only in the 50's. We headed into Rapid City to end the day and tomorrow will take us to the Crazy Horse monument, Mt. Rushmore, Custer National Park and can you believe it, another cave!


  1. Linda and Dave! I am loving reading your posts and seeing your pictures, what a beautiful couple and awesome trip, stay safe and know I am enjoying your trip too.. love Chris Desai

  2. I read about the big horn sheep Linda and Dave...the females are EWES and the males of course are called RAMS lol. The males also have big big horns. Neat looking animals ! Enjoying your journey :)

  3. Hi Dave & Linda, I hope you guys keep updating us these wonderful pictures & the info. is humorous as well as informative! Nolan tried to blog you but it didn't go through & we lost it! He laughed a few times at the animals & seemed to really enjoy this. Thanks for giving us this great opportunity to share your no plan trip, I can't wait to see tomorrow! Love & Miss you guys, Mary xo
